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A few sites that I really enjoy and think you will too. A good mix of helpful learning tools and some things to inspire and entertain students. Just click the pictures below to visit the site! If you have a site that you would like added, please contact me.

Educational Sites

Interactive Sites for Education - A fantastic interactive site for K-5. Great if you have a Smart Board for getting your students up off their feet and participating in their education!

Udacity - A Math and Science site offered by Stanford Robotics Students. A very high learning level but great for those students that you know can push the bar higher.

Open Culture - A site offering information on all things culture. Everything from old live Jazz performances to influential speakers of their time doing what they do best!

TedEd - If you have never been to this site, GO, NOW. It has videos, all under 10 minutes, that are done by brilliant people. They cover a wide variety of subjects, you just need to surf and pick out your favorites!

WolframAlpha - It will answer your questions. Just ask WolfRam something and be amazed. It can even solve complex math problems and show the students ALL the steps it used to complete it!

Learnist - Known as the "Educational Pinterest" no fluff, no pictures of food, just lessons and cool things for teachers!

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